A Day in the Life: Whitney Fort

A Day in the Life: Whitney Fort

My name is...   Whitney.


My current season in life is...   Transitional!


I am...   29, visual merchandiser, married with an 11 month old.


The craziest day of my week is always....   Monday.


I start my day at...   7 or whenever my 11 month old wakes up!


I have to _________ before I can do anything else.   Splash my face with water and brush my teeth.


My best 'getting ready for the day' hack is:

Getting up in time for "me time" - this allows me to wash my face, make a cup of coffee, and have a moment before forced into action. I also am a firm believer in prepping well ( even if it's little things.. laying things out I know I will need right in the morning, charging phone/laptop, etc. putting coffee mug out).


I drink _______ cups of ________ a day.  At least 2 cups of coffee a day.


Breakfast is typically....   KIND bar and coffee OR avocado egg toast if I have all the time.


And then I'm off to...   Taking care of my kid ( aka breastfeeding and getting her ready for the day).


In my ideal world I would spend my morning _______ but in reality it looks more like ______.

Sipping coffee, doing an uninterrupted devotion with my bible, and Pilates ... but in reality it looks more like not setting my alarm to get up before kiddo, being woken up by said kiddo and spilling coffee on myself or the house vs. drinking it.


If I'm lucky I get to eat lunch at _______ and it is _______.

Noon-ish and it is an Amy's burrito and avocado or chopped salad with meat.


But, let's be honest, it's usually ________ at _______.

Around those things around that time, or coffee and trail mix LOL!


And then on to the afternoon, when I'm tackling...

Design work on the computer, working a merchandising job at a retail location, or prepping for a bible study I am facilitating.


Right now I'm grappling with...   How to use my time well. 


My evening and dinner routine is...

We are gone 3 to 4 nights of the week for ministry related things at our church, as well as basketball and Pilates for my husband and I.... so typically that means that my mom, my husband's mom, or a friend is watching Margot and we are out from around 5 to 8 or 9.


I aim to get in bed by ______ but it's usually more like ______.

10 but usually it's more like 11


It's been a good day if...   I've prayed intentionally, been active, exercised creativity, and loved others well...and kept my child alive/laughed.


I couldn't get through the day without _______ and I totally rely on ________.

Prayer or the support of others (namely my husband) ... also GIFs. AND I totally rely on my husband.


Right now I'm feeling ______ about life.   Expectant.


I wish I had more _______ and less _______.   Energy; need for control.


The best part of my day is....   being with my family. 


The one thing I try to do every day is _______.   Read scripture and communicate well.


The very last three things I do every day are...

Rest, have a glass of wine with my husband (although I'm not drinking during the week right now) or watch a show, and wash my face/brush teeth.

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